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Free WP Blog Installation

by | Jul 8, 2018 | 15 comments

Free WP Blog Installation

by | Jul 8, 2018 | 15 comments

Let me Install WordPress for You

Hello Everyone,  I threw this together pretty fast. More details coming soon; but here is the gist of it: yes, I will install your blog or company website for free, “if” you get your hosting from my link. One of my hosting companies, Siteground, pays me anywhere from $50 to $75 when I refer a new paying customers. It doesn’t cost you anything extra, but I get the kickback because this saves the company advertising. This will compensate me sufficiently to set up your “basic” WordPress site for you. Keep in mind, this is the bare-bones installation but will be fully ready for you to add content and take the internet by storm.

So why not just get any web host? When shopping for hosting, you’ll notice there are two main types. There are shared hosting plans and private hosting plans. With shared plans, you “share” a server with other customers. With private hosting, you have a server all to yourself. The upside of shared hosting is it is much more affordable. The downside is you can sacrifice performance which might translate to more down-times and slower loading times. That’s why, if you are getting shared hosting (and most do in the beginning), you better get a really good hosting company that is fully optimized and still has acceptable loading times. For this, I recommend SiteGround. After clicking on this link (Siteground), click on “Managed WordPress Hosting”, and then I recommend getting at least the “Grow Big” plan.

So if you get your hosting through my link, I can afford to do some work (scroll down to see more details) for you at no additional cost to you other than your hosting plan. Once you purchase your hosting plan, just send me a screenshot of your receipt or the email confirmation of your purchase and the email address you used to make the purchase. You can email it or text it to me (my email and phone number are at the top of my this page. Or you can use the contact form below to ask any questions.

Or if you already have a web host and you just want WordPress installed for you with the most important, basic plugins, I can do that for you for $50. Just use my contact form below to make the request.

Below, describes what you will get for $50. Granted, it’s not much, but you will get a functioning WordPress website that you can build your personal blog or company-branded website on. If you want it to have a special look (i.e., like mine), that will require a custom WordPress theme (I recommend Elegant Themes, Divi). You’ll notice there is a cost at acquiring the theme.

So you have two options for further customization and acquiring the theme. If you are the do it your self-er type and fairly web-savvy, I recommend buying the theme directly from Elegant Themes and customizing the site yourself (there will be a learning curve). If, however, you want more of a turn-key job, I have a developer’s license, meaning I can install it on your website under my license and you can use it as your own. In that case, use my contact form at the end of this post, and reach out to me to talk about your goals and pricing.

“If I wanted it half-assed I would-of done it myself”

The above quote was a famous line of my very ornery grandpa. He was brutally honest. He was aware of his limitations; he was a jack of all (a stretch) trades but the master of none as he put it. And when something was really important, he understood the credence in outsourcing and paying a professional to “get it done right”. Well here is some grandpa brute honesty for you: I can teach a monkey how to install WordPress. And over time, I can probably even teach that monkey to install WordPress well. That’s just it though. There are good ways to install it and bad ways. Sure, any monkey can get it installed and give you a web presence and your voice to the world; but it takes a special monkey to install it right, give you a voice, and also give you a vehicle with the potential to drive you down a path of becoming very wealthy (that’s right, some people do make money online). So if you want this done right, let me be your special monkey.

Plugin Snob

I am the equivocal plugin snob. I love plugins but I hate them (yes like toxic relationships). They are necessary but get too many of them or the wrong ones, and they just slow you down, kill your joy, and hold you back. I will help you choose only the plugins you need. If you start installing them like your carefree can’t have too many apps iPhone mentality, and your blog will break and slow down to a crawl. And nobody will read your webpage if it takes 10 seconds to load.

Domain Names

I would recommend you get your domain through Godday; however, I don’t recommend their hosting plans. If you already have hosting or you just need a cheap domain, I have a coupon here for a $ 0.99 domain through Godaddy. Generally, the 2nd year renewal rates will be anywhere from $8 to $14 for a .com and the prices increase for .biz and some of the other non-mainstream names. I recommend you get a .com and I recommend you brand yourself, first and foremost, with your own name domain. So check here if that domain (i.e. JodyHeath.com) is available and grab it while you can. Don’t let someone acquire it and then sell it to you for 100 x what it’s worth because that is definitely a thing; it happens.

The Catch?

So what’s the catch? There is no catch, my hosting company going to pay me $50 to $75 for your signing up with them. If you already have hosting you prefer to use, or if you just don’t want to get your hosting from me, I’ll still be happy to install your WP blog, but at a charge of $50.  Just use the contact box below to request my installation service.

The Fine Print

Now for full disclosure understand this:

  1. Since I will get a charge-back if you cancel your hosting plan before three months, you agree to keep your hosting plan for three months or pay me $50 for my services.
  2. I’ve spent a good hundreds of hours experimenting and tweaking with my blog design (and it’s still not done). Just because I install your blog for cheap, does not mean it will look exactly like mine. There is a huge difference between installing and designing.  But It will be a usable blog that you can write post on from day one…….that I can promise.
  3. If you want your website to have a special look or a maintenance plan, contact me for a more comprehensive package quote.
  4. Don’t be sad, more fine print to come later:)

How Far do You Want to Take this Relationship?

If you want to talk about a maintenance plan or design services, let’s talk. I’m not cheap but I won’t break the bank either.

Pull the Trigger

If you want to talk about me doing some work for you, whether it be a simple (or not so simple) WordPress install, or even design work, just shoot me a message in the contact box below!


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To your success,

Jody Heath

Compliance disclosure: “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”
(I'm also very humbled and grateful to my website visitors & Amazon for these earnings!)


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I recently redesigned my site. The following segments, below, are in the very early developmental stages. Most Link away from my site at this time; but in the near future, I will redirect the links back to my site for an expanded post & resources on each topic.

Free Blog Installation

Now you have no more excuses.  I will install
your WordPress for free (the catch explained) 

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